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Parenting Strategies for the Highly Sensitive Child

July 11, 2024

If you are here you are likely like me, trying to figure out how to best support your highly sensitive child. I have a highly sensitive kid, who I have had to dive in deep to learn what works, what doesn't work (because lots of the mainstream parenting strategies don't work!) and how to help be the best parent for my amazing kid. Here we are going to talk about the most effective parenting strategies for highly sensitive kids.

Understand and Respect Their Feelings

One of the most important strategies in parenting a highly sensitive child is to respect their feelings. These children experience emotions more intensely, and it’s crucial to acknowledge their feelings without judgment. They already feel things so deeply, we don't want them to feel judged for their big feelings.

Why it works:

  • Highly sensitive children often feel misunderstood. Validation helps them feel accepted as they are.
  • Acknowledging their emotions helps them learn that it's okay to have big feelings and that those feelings are OK.

The How

  • When your child expresses big emotions, listen and respect their feelings. For example, say, "I see you're feeling really angry about this. It's okay to feel that way."
  • Avoid minimizing their emotions or telling them they are overreacting or being dramatic.

2. Create a Calm and Predictable Environment

Highly sensitive children thrive in calm, predictable environments. Too much chaos or unpredictability can overwhelm them and lead to frustration or anxiety.

Why it works:

  • A predictable routine helps reduce anxiety and gives your child a sense of predictability and security.
  • A calm environment minimizes sensory overload

The How

  • Establish a consistent daily routine. This includes regular meal times, bedtimes, and playtimes as much as possible (however we totally get life happens!).
  • Create a calm space at home where your child can retreat when they feel overwhelmed. This could be a quiet corner with their fave items

3. Set Clear and Gentle Boundaries

Setting clear and gentle boundaries is essential for highly sensitive children. They need to understand limits and expectations, but harsh discipline or criticism can feel overwhelming for their nervous system.

Why it works:

  • Clear boundaries provide a sense of security and structure.

How to implement it:

  • Use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Acknowledge your child that you see and notice their positive traits
  • When discipline is necessary, ensure you are calm and you set clear boundaries around the behaviour
  • Avoid yelling or punitive measures, which can feel especially shameful for highly sensitive children.

4. Foster Strong Relationships and Social Skills

Highly sensitive children will benefit from strong, supportive relationships and good social skills. These connections help them navigate social situations more comfortably and confidently.

Why it works:

  • Positive relationships provide a support system and help your child feel accepted and understood
  • Good social skills help your child to build friendships and problem solve with others

The How

  • Encourage your child to participate in social activities that match their interests. This could be sports, art, or any interests they have.
  • Teach social skills through role-playing and practice scenarios. For example, practice how to win or lose at a game, if you meet someone new, etc.
  • Foster a close family bond by spending quality time together and engaging in activities that your child enjoys. This builds closeness and connection

Our course Successfully Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child gives you the specific tools and strategies in bite sized videos to navigate parenting your Highly Sensitive Child with confidence. We go over in depth the following topics with 23 close captioned bite size video lesson!

Highly Sensitive Child Traits

The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Child

The Highly Sensitive Child and School

The Highly Sensitive Child and BIG FEELINGS

How to Parent a Highly Sensitive Child as a Highly Sensitive Person

And so much more!!

If you want to learn more about Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child - check out our Instagram page

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